• Optimize Muscle Activation

    Elite Athletes and those involved in team sports that want to optimize their speed, strength, and agility, use Protonics on their left side prior to activity to get into a balanced biomechanical position.

  • Reduce Right-Side Dominance

    Individuals involved with recreational sports can use Protonics prior to activity to increase flexibility and balance for optimum performance.

  • Increase Balance and Flexibility

    Active individuals can use Protonics as needed to reduce pain associated with improper biomechanical patterns, and to increase overall function and stability.

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  • Boyd Epley, Med, CSCS*D, FNSCA, RSCC*E

    Protonics helps athletes get into a neutral position, which will optimize their training and help them gain closer to 100% of the effort they put out.

  • Jon Schultz MPT, ECS, OCS, PRI

    The athletes using Protonics demonstrated a significant improvement in overall performance. Several athletes who used Protonics as part of their training regime broke personal and college records.

  • Scott Donkin DC, DACBOH

    I have seen Protonics correct individuals gait and improve their function and performance, whether at work, sports, or just working out.